EDEN BodyWorks

EDEN BodyWorks™ was founded to address the consumer demand for all natural products that really work! Unlike most products that are purely cosmetic in nature, our products actually deliver on their promise; guaranteed. Our products contain No Alcohol, No Petroleum, No Mineral Oils and No Sodium Sulfates. Your hair and skin shouldn’t just look healthy; it should be healthy! EDEN BodyWorks’ mission is to provide natural products that integrate wellness and beauty inspired by nature to restore and maintain the body’s original design.

  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Year Started: 2004
  • Organization Type: For-Profit
  • # of Employees: 5 ( as of Jan 1, 2012)

Jasmine Lawrence

Jasmine Lawrence is a successful entrepreneur who has been soaring toward her dreams. It started when she was 11-years-old, after she mixed together natural ingredients to create her own hair oils for her broken, damaged hair. By age 13 her hair was flourishing, and she was selling her hair products to friends. At 15 she shared her story with Oprah and other major news outlets, and finalized distribution deals with Wal-Mart – all while striving to get her homework in on time. Now at 21-years-old, Jasmine is a senior at Georgia Tech and managing her natural beauty care empire, EDEN BodyWorks.

  • Age: 32
  • Ethnicity: Black