Pop Up Archive

Pop Up Archive makes sound searchable. Search is a big deal. So why are we limited to only searching text? We get Google alerts every time someone types our name on the web, but not every time someone says our name. Pop Up Archive helps solve this problem by making spoken word searchable. Using speech-to-text software built for specific industries, we enable media companies and institutions like NPR, KQED, Princeton, Stanford to find, reuse, and monetize media. Rich media search provides accessibility, search engine optimization, and advertising opportunities. By adding a text layer to audio and video, Pop Up Archive exposes hidden value in media. We process thousands of hours of media in real time and provide a developer-friendly API and widgets for common content management platforms like WordPress.

  • Industry: Media
  • Year Started: 2012
  • Organization Type: For-Profit
  • # of Employees: 2 ( as of Dec 31, 2013)

Anne Wootton


Anne holds a Master’s degree from the University of California Berkeley in Information Management and Systems, where she focused in digital archives and the sociology of technology. She has worked with independent producers The Kitchen Sisters and national grant agencies to identify preservation and access opportunities for independent radio. She contributed to the creation of The Discipline of Organizing, a textbook in use at I Schools nationwide that unites perspectives about organizing from engineering, library science, and other fields. She is a 2012 Soundcloud Community Fellow and winner of the 2012 Knight News Challenge: Data. Before arriving in California, Anne lived in France, and managed a historic newspaper digitization project at Brown University.

  • Age: 37
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian

Bailey Smith


Bailey holds a Master’s from the UC Berkeley School of Information in Information Management and Systems and has worked as an editor, journalist, web master and information architect. She has worked at Yahoo and contributed to projects as a user experience researcher and designer for Code for America and Pivotal Labs. She has also engaged intimately with media production as a transmedia consultant and as the producer of the radio documentary, Local Hire, an exploration of the rise and fall of film production in North Carolina. Bailey is a 2012 Soundcloud Community Fellow and winner of the 2012 Knight News Challenge: Data.

  • Age: 41
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian

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