PrePlay Inc.

PrePlay is the world's leading predictive game studio. We create mobile and tablet games designed and engineered to enhance the experience of watching sports, reality, talent, and award shows on TV. PrePlay users compete in worldwide social contests that involve predicting the outcomes of events they are watching unfold on live TV.

  • Industry: Software
  • Year Started: 2010
  • Organization Type: For-Profit
  • # of Employees: 15 ( as of Jan 1, 2012)

Andrew Daines

Andrew launched PrePlay at Cornell in 2009, recruiting a seasoned team of designers and technologists. He was named one of Cornell’s 20 Most Notable Graduating Seniors, and had earlier served as a Midshipman at the US Naval Academy and as a missionary in Southeast Asia for two years.

  • Age: 38
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian